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08 ноября 2009

Всякая всячина

Тексты, не попавшие ни в основные, ни в читательские, ни в повторные. Собираются и хранятся исключительно в научных целях. В этот раздел вы заходите на свой страх и риск. мы вас предупредили!

Меняется каждый час по результатам голосования

Sexy, funny baby girl,
Sweet, attractive, friendly
Loves to party like a Queen
And tequila badly.

Fill the spaceship of your dream
Drink from milky bottle,
Let me ride you like a King
On your juicy bottom!

Kiss your daddy, little freak
Jimmy likes his Wendy
Fuck on Extasy and drink
With tequila brendy

Jimmy likes you doggy style
Secretely desire
Fucking Wendy by the creek
Put his pants on fire!

Work it slowly to the top
Suck his juicy medley
Let your fantasies explode
Fuck your daddy madly!

Catch my splashing Milky Way
Let me show you heaven...
Jimmy wants to be bad boy
Fucking virgin Mary

Welcome Billy to the club, -
General inspection
Billy wants to be a top -
Work on his erection!

Now it's three of us in here
Panting for the nation...
Trust me girl, orgasm is good, -
Let me know your station!...

Wendy, baby, never stop
Perfect body fitness
Buddy Billy on the top -
Jimmy's only witness!!!

Let me get that stupid call
In respectful manner
Grab some fucking chips Ahoy
Girl, we need a banner!

This is better than Starbucks'
Grande Macchiatta
Licking Wendy little slut's
liquid juicy latte...

Yes, we'll walk the Golden Bridge
Fine, I'll pay that toll...
Sure, I'll leave my sperm imprint
On the Chinese Wall...

Вчера<< 8 ноября >>Завтра
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