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23 ноября 2001

Остальные новые стишки

Меняется каждый час по результатам голосования
Never tease a humble lamb!
as it can become the ram,
which can butt against the place,
which is not your handsome face,
but that noteworthy part,
which is called `the work of Art`
or `fifth point`,- yes, from where
legs begin to grow and there
too, the back has lost its fair,
noble and so proud name,
do not make it be the aim
of unbridled horns, take care
of this sweet and tender region
from the Rams whose name is Legion.
Never take His name in vain!
Never take as well as mine.
Never let your blessed, divine
and too sacred person gain
such experience of pain.
And again - I can`t remain
silent - I repeat in plain
English - (How wise I am!)
Never tease a humble lamb!
(send comments to lkhara At yahoo.com, preferably in Russian)

Вчера<< 23 ноября >>Завтра
Самый смешной анекдот за 27.02:
Бросил в фонтан рубль и загадал желание бросить курить. Не сдержался, зашёл в магазин, набрал еды, взял пачку сигарет.
На кассе не хватило рубля...