Herbet Wells как минимум не изобрел ету фразу, и, более того, в известном блоге "QI" - Расследователя Цитат - он даже не упоминается.
Но шутка существовала до него.
Вот первое найденное упоминание:
1866 год. (Wells только родился). Шутка приведена в газете Провиденс Ивнинг Пресс, штат Род Айленд.
A Novel Illustration of the Telegraph.—A most ludicrous conversation took place a few weeks ago in a small village near Paris. Two peasants were discussing about the war between Austria and Prussia, when one of them remarked that he could not understand how messages could be sent by the electric telegraph. His companion after having tried to make him comprehend the manner in which the telegraph works, at last, struck with a bright idea, exclaimed:
“Imagine that the telegraph is an immense long dog-so long that its head is at Vienna and its tail is at Paris. Well, tread on its tail, which is at Paris, and it will bark at Vienna. Do you understand now, stupid, what the telegraph is like?”
“O, yes,” replied the other. “I have an idea now what a telegraph must be.”
Потом добавился беспроволочньiй.
By 1917 a new elaboration was added to the evolving story. This variant joke discussed telegraphy with and without a wire. The animal used for transmission was a dog which was spelled “dawg”. The punch line in heavy dialect stated that the operation of the wireless device was “prezactly de same” except that “de dawg am ‘maginary”, i.e., exactly the same except that the dog is imaginary.
В общем, если Wells и пересказал кому-то ету шутку, то она не им придумана.
А интернет - когда кошка, которой нет еще и сказки рассказывает и картинки показывает.