Могила умершего в 1405 году Сита Мора Сгорфьяклаха в Шотландии. Клетка над могилой установлена в 1983 году и предназначена не для предотвращения ограбления гробницы, а для удержания на месте пяти “камней проклятья”, которые лежат на ней
Nestled on top of the cursed grave of Seath Mor Sgorfhiaclach, clan chief of the Clan Shaw, in the Doune at Rothiemurchus, there are 5 homing stones. Said to represent those who survived the Battle of the Clans in 1396, people who tamper with these cursed stones are said to suffer a serious illness or even death. In 1983 an iron cage was placed over the grave to protect visitors from the curse.
История полностью
The Cursed Grave Of Seath Mor Sgorfhiaclach https://mymacabreroadtrip.com/the-cursed-grave-of-seath-mor/