Cassidi• 22.02.06 03:28
Da tak, osobenno nechego perevodit', beseduem o patriotisme, pohozhe chto nashy s Vitoy vzglyady na nashu adaptirovannuyu stranu (USA)ne sovsem sovpadayut, vot i delimsya mislyamy. A PTA, Explorer, Bud Lite i Atkins Diet, eto ya tak, prosholsya po sredne-statisticheskim Americanskim "blagopoluchiyam" (PTA eto chto-to vrode roditel'skogo sobraniya v shkole, ne znayu kak yescho ob'yasnit', zdes'-zhe vsyo dolzhno bit' organizovanno, kak v horoshem stade, a Atkins Diet - bily v proshlom godu zdes' takaya "modnaya" diyeta, vse srednestatisticheskiye barany, ops, ya imeyu v vidu Americantsy, po ney s uma shodily, na ney sidely, i na neyo kak na ikonu Kazanskoy Bogomatery molilis', teper' eta diyeta obankrotilas', vse kak stado molyatsya na novuyu, poka yeschyo odna novey ne ob'yavitsya). Vot i vsyo, kak vidish, nichego interesnogo.
VVS• 22.02.06 02:18
To Cassidi&Vita:
Блин,ребята,не все из нас по 16 лет в Штатах прожили."have another Bud Lite...your Atkins Diet meal...after the PTA meeting...Извольте дать перевод вкратце.
Cassidi• 22.02.06 00:30
To Vita,
Actually, that was precisely my (and Mr.George "el Presidento" Bush's)interpretation of "blessed are the meek", that the ones that are meek are blessed, not the other way around (and it has very little to do if anything with "English language grammar", as you put it). Not all the meek are blessed and not all the blessed are meek (as I hope you know). Invoking (and implying the idea of) meekness as a mandatory requirement for being blessed suites the sheep mentality better than anything else (just remember how this whole conversation had started, go to the bottom off all the comments exchange between me and PhD), so my initial remarks about "stado baranov" were right on target. Also, keep in mind (regarding your "katilsya bi otsyuda..." in your previous comment), that "love it or leave it" idea is nothing but outdated and rather laughable and naive delusion at this point. "Fix it or fuck it" would suit our turbulent times much better. As for the rest, as I said, don't let it bother you. Regards
Vita• 21.02.06 23:56
Dear Cassidi,
I actually don't see any problem with voting, drinking beer, driving Ford Explorers and so on. If things like that annoy you, then THAT is a truly sad case.
I don't see anything wrong with patriotism either. Being a patriot doesn't mean you have to be a "rabid" patriot, nor that you have to fanatically believe what politicians are saying. To me, it means that you believe that something good can be built or maintained in your country, that you follow the law, give your support to your family and others close to you, and are prepared to defend your family and your country if they are attacked in any way. For the record, I am not a "fresh transplant" (I've lived in the States for quite a while now since I was a kid); I didn't vote for Bush; I didn't think the war in Iraq was a good idea.
As far as not bitching at "the place that became your home" (geez... I am quoting myself now), by home I did not mean just the United States. I meant, in a more general sense, that you shouldn't speak degradingly of the place where you live -- be it the United States, Russia, or any other country.
As a quick tip... this has to do not with religion, but with the English language grammar... the phrase "blessed are the meek" does not mean that those who are blessed are meek, as you seem to interpret it. It means that those who are meek are blessed. I hope you see the difference.
Don't worry, the whining hasn't ruined my day. I did want to respond though.
Cassidi• 19.02.06 03:21
To Vita:
Dear Vita, please do not mind if I'll continue to decide what to bitch about and what not to. And do not feel offended by it, for your should not be (if something like that offends you than it's a rather sad case). What I have I do appreciate and it has quite very little to do with, as you've put it, "the place that became your home". I understand (and observe quite often)that rabid patriotism is a rather common behavior among fresh transplants, but keep in mind that, as Oscar Wilde so ingeniously put it, - "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious". So, have another Bud Lite, finish your Atkins Diet meal, pay your Citi Bank Visa bill, get into your Ford Explorer and pick-up the kids from a softball game, right after the PTA meeting. That should take you mind off of such annoying and irritating matter as this. And don't forget to vote (vote soon and vote often), while muttering to yourself "I'm doing my duty". In other words, as our devine and supreme leader says "God bless you all", though he always omits that "blessed are the meek" or maybe he just simply does not know. Seriously, if you are content with what you "have", then don't let "whiners" ruin your day, just go on, contributing something positive (which bitching at people that bitch about something that irks you is not). Just you know, enjoy, and let the others be. Regards.
P.S.And by the way, happy Presidents Day, don't forget to fly the flag and recite Pledge of Allegiance.
Мирный житель• 18.02.06 14:35
2 Усама:
Бедный Аллах, если у него такие "прихожане", как ты. Ты так хочешь войны? Надеюсь первой еЈ жертвой будешь ты, твоя семья и твой дом.
Vita• 18.02.06 03:58
To Cassidi:
Poslyshay... a kakogo diavola ti zhivyosh v "imperii v stadii zakata"?
Katilsya bi otsyuda, nam i bez tebya horosho bydet!
If anything is going down, it's due to whiners like you who can't appreciate what they have and instead of contributing something positive, keep complaining and criticizing everything in sight.
To paraphrase: don't bitch at the place that became your home, regardless of where that is.
Cassidi• 18.02.06 00:53
>PhD, absolyutno, i ne "mozhno", a "nuzhno". Ya ne byl v Rossii s 1990 (vsyo chto ya pomnyu eto CCCP, novoy Rossii ne znayu). No Rossiya - ona i v Afrike Rossiya, kak eyo ne nazovy, hot' CCCP hot' SNG. Metat'sya nado perestat', i vsyo budet kak nado. Rossiya tol'ko voshodit, a vot America - eto uzhe imperiya v stadii zakata, i zametno eto zdes' ochen' i ochen'. Nuzhna novaya krov', eyo net. Vot i vsyo. Regards.
PhD• 18.02.06 00:45
То Cassidi:
Агрессию я имел в виду бытовую, в общении между людьми, а не военные операции. А в остальном ты прав, кроме того что не Российская вина, что баз вокруг много. Можно гораздо жЈсче свои интересы отстаивать, и не метаться между Западом и Востоком.
С уважением,
Cassidi• 18.02.06 00:29
>PhD, eto v Rossii-to "stado baranov" "agressivnoye"?!?!?!?!?!?! Americanskoye stado baranov skoro-uzh i ne budet znat' v kakuyu yescho stranu sunutsya s bombamy i tankamy (eto nazivaetsya rasprostraneniye svobody i demokratii, ili kak nash nedonosheniy pridurok-prezident virazilsya "Deocracy is on the march"). Cto kasayetsya "tsvetnyh" revolyutsiy, tak vse-zh ony bily oplacheny otsyuda, a dlya "tsvetnyh", cto-zh, durnoye delo ne hitroye, im-zhe ubogim v kaif, i flagom pomahat', i na maidan shodit', i pokrichat'. Chto kasayetsya Americanskih baz vokrug Rossii, chto-zh, eto ne Rossiiskaya vina, chto ona okruzhena nischimy, ubogimy prostitutkamy, kak Gruziya, Ukraina, i t.d, i t.p. Chem-zhe ony ubogiye yescho-to prozhit' smogut bez Rossii? Vot i prihoditsya u Ameriki otsasyvat'. Chto kasayetsa vnutrennih del Rossii - ony Rossiiskiye vnutreniye dela, i pri luyboy Americanskoy popitke vmeshatsya v nih, America dolzhna chistoserdechno posilat'sya na huy (uzh prosty, ne znayu kuda ona bol'she prinadlezhit s eyo "vmeshatel'stvamy"). A "pastuhi" zdes' sovsem ne te kto sidit v Belom Dome, eto tak, kost' pridurkam kotoriye yescho zabluzhdayutsya, chto America - eto svetoch demokratii i svobody. Nastoyaschiye "pastuhi" zdes' namnogo "koshernee" i ne lyubyat sebya pokazivat' lyudyam. Vot vrode i vsyo.
PhD• 18.02.06 00:10
То Cassidi:
Не буду спорить - я был в Штатах всего 10 дней - ничто против твоих 16-ти лет там. Но не надо всЈ валить в одну кучу. В каждой стране есть "стадо баранов", но в России оно ещЈ и агрессивное!
А на Россию я не гоню, просто есть факты: серия "цветных" революций, американские военные базы вокруг России и по всему миру, беспардонное вмешательство во внутренние дела России.
Может они и "стадо тупых баранов", но, выходит, пастухи у этого стада очень даже толковые.
С уважением,
к.ф.м.н.• 17.02.06 23:58
А я не считаю, что Россия опущенная. Сложный период. Бывало хуже. Пожить довелось много где, друзья есть там и тут, могу сравнивать.
Сколько PhD уехало...
Мы здесь верим, что Россия поднимется, работаем над этим. И гордимся успехами. И переживаем неудачи.
Ну, если вам там, действительно, нравится, то не поимели вас. Извини.
Take care
Cassidi• 17.02.06 23:26
>PhD, ya ne znayu gde ty zhivyosh, no ne pohozhe chto zdes' v Amerike, inache-by tebe nikogda-by ne prishlo v golovu vozmuschatsya po povodu nazivaniya Amerikantsev "tupimy". Tupiye - eto dly nih pochty compliment, "stado baranov" bilo-by pravilney. Pover' mne, 16 let - ne maliy srok dlya togo chto-by v etom razobratsya. Da, i ne nado gnat' na Rossiyu, gde-by ty ne zhil.
>Phd, I've no idea where you live, but it does not look like you live here in US, otherwise you would have never thought of throwing a shit-fit over Americans being called "stupid". Actually "stupid" would be almost a compliment for them, "bunch of sheep" would be mor proper. Trust me, for 16 years is more than enoght to figure it out. And don't bitch at Russia, regardless of where you live.
PhD• 17.02.06 23:20
2 к.ф.м.н.
Я не у них живу, а в Европе. Хотя, может ты и прав, если Россия опущенная, то еЈ граждане, соответственно, тоже :-(((. А вот с чего ты решил, что если люди уезжают туда где им больше нравится, то их поимели, не очень понятно...
С уважением,
РУ• 17.02.06 17:01
>Интересно, как такие "тупые" поимели нас, таких "умных"? Может просто >ещЈ не доросли до их "тупости"?
На самом деле вместо "нас" они поимели только тебя
PhD• 17.02.06 16:18
"Американскому народу вообще в голову мысли не приходят, у них в голове одни стереотипы."
А у русских стереотип, что американцы тупые. Интересно, как такие "тупые" поимели нас, таких "умных"? Может просто ещЈ не доросли до их "тупости"?
Тима• 17.02.06 14:25
Американскому народу вообще в голову мысли не приходят, у них в голове одни стереотипы. Например все арабы террористы, все русские похожи медведей и и т.д. Поэтому скорее всего им в голову пришла мысль, а может быть это и не друг вовсе был, а террорист или еще лучше заходяща на таран утка-смертница.