Чапай• 01.05.06 22:54
Да нет, просто читать с одной стороны толком по английски не умеют, чтоб засомневаться в нестыковке и что такое jobs and spark, а перепроверять невнятно написанные непонятно кем новости, на ленте.вру не принято.
Вот как оно было в оригинале на яхе:
The plant will churn out 90,000 flat panels for LCD TVs every year, the company said.
"The new LCD plant will create more than 90,000 jobs and spark production worth a total of 15.3 trillion won (16.2 billion dollars)," the company said in a press statement.
А вот то что можно найти за секунду, и что глуповатым разоблачителям недоступно.
SEOUL, South Korea — LG.Philips LCD on Thursday (April 27) marked the opening of its 7th generation plant for volume production of thin-film transistor (TFT) LCD glass substrates.
The production facility in Paju, South Korea, will make 45,000 1950- by 2250-mm TFT-LCD glass substrates per month by June, LG.Philips said. The company plans to expand monthly capacity to 90,000 substrates by the end of this year. The substrates are used to produce 42- and 47-inch flat TV panels.
Located on 1.69 million square meters of land, the 5.3 trillion won ($5.6 billion) plant is said to be the world’s largest. LG.Philips is now operating a 6th generation line in Gumi that produces 32- and 36-inch LCD TV panels.
The Paju display cluster, the first and largest of its kind in South Korea, is expected to create 85,000 jobs, according to LG.Philips.
Early this week, S-LCD Corp., the LCD joint venture of Samsung Electronics and Sony Corp., announced it will expand capacity at its 7th generation LCD fab by 50 percent. It will now process 90,000 substrates a month with an investment of about $240 million.
Feuer• 01.05.06 20:52
На самом деле не ошиблись...
Скорее всего имелось в виду что изготовляться подложки, из которых собственно и изготовляются панели.
Mike• 01.05.06 12:28
Ну ошиблись, написали "тысяч", вместо "миллионов". Очень смешно, бля.