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07 октября 2000
Остальные новые стишки
Меняется каждый час по результатам голосования
Вот и осень золотая наступила, Все грехи весенние простила.
There's a street with a guitar lead a thousand miles of home a gunshot in the distance a leader turned poet
and your look,touch of warmth it's turned away, protected by anger in the middle of thier lies we would only have each other
wipe the death out of your eyes baby snakes refuse to die out of mother hell the pains syncronized turn to stone then you die
I miss the morning light giving away all the answers its at the point where no one cares if nothing really matters
a closed mind to scheduled lies losing focus in passing time an emptyness named goodbye giving away more than glances
wipe the worms from your eyes baby snakes refuse to die out of mother hell the pains syncronized turn to stone then you die turn away begin to die
like a snake she would strike evil eyes its only life take away every tomorrow out of cruelty the passion dies stab seventy thorns in my side because bleeding means nothing dying does'nt matter
you don't have to lie awake stealing thoughts unknown close your eyes when it hits the end of a soul let go
rip the snakes out of your eyes and they refuse to die out of mother hell the pains syncronized turn to death begin to die
in a dreams way out of night into day dont look this way hell will never change theres no good way may love rest in peace come to me in my sleep
lies dance thru sentances meaning love is'nt why while there is no answer on your finger the trigger is hard your lips so dry
snakes slither thruogh trees as rats run around me spiders drop from the ceilings and hell burns down in seas
tear the snakes out of your eyes a hundred times over they still die out of mother hell the pains syncronized inside death we say goodbye CopyrightTRAVISRAYCOLE{C}2000
С твоей фигурой Синди Кроуфорд И рядом даже не стоит Она как дряхлая морковка В сравненье с телищем твоим Твое лицо как спелый персик Твои глаза как чернослив Ах, если б мог я на мгновенье Вкусить слюны твоей прилив, Облюбовать твое все тело Которым ты так дорожишь Быть может, ты мне разрешишь? Прошу тебя отдай себя мне Тебе я радость подарю И после сладостных объятий Копье свое в тебя вонзю.