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God's plan made a hopeful beginning, But Man spoilt His chances by sinning. We hope that the story Will end in God's glory, Though meanwhile, the other side's winning.
There was a young lady of Lynn Who was deep in original sin. When they said : "Do be good!" She replied: "If I could!" And straightway was back at it again.
There was a young man of Devizes Whose balls were of different sizes; The one that was small Was of no use at all, But the other won several prizes.
There was a young maid of Madras Who had a magnificent ass. Not rounded and pink, As you probably think, It was gray, had long ears, and ate grass.
There was a young lady of Kent Who said that she knew what it meant When men asked her to dine With caviar and wine. She knew! How she knew! But she went!
Люблю я мух толченых и жареных глистов Отрыжку поросячью И кожу мертвецов Ах какая благодать Кожу с черепа снимать И жевать жевать Теплым гноем припевать
Когда кто-то хочет унизить женщину, он говорит, что та спит с мужчинами. Когда кто-то хочет унизить мужчину, он говорит, что тот спит с мужчинами. Короче говоря, спать с мужчинами унизительно.